Monday, July 1, 2013

Step 4 of Reversing Reactive Hypoglycemia: Recruit Your Support Team

Dealing with Reactive Hypoglycemia can be a lonely venture. With this condition, the body is riddled with so many symptoms such as dizziness, blurry vision, irritability, inability to think clearly, and fatigue. It is difficult for others to understand your moods and behaviors yet alone sympathize with them if they are not properly informed. It is up to you to gain their support by being open and honest about your challenges.

For years I couldn't figure out why I had no energy and was always exhausted no matter how much sleep I got. As it worsened in 2013 I could barely function or get out of bed. I neither had the strength nor the mental energy to have a normal day. It impacted my mood, my personality, and my overall relationship with others. Feeling alone and deprived of life was a common feeling for me and I was lacking the support I needed.

Support from family, a loved one, friends, people who have experienced reactive hypoglycemia and health experts who can support you along the way to better health is crucial.

Your family should know what you're going through. You must inform them of your failing health immediately and ensure they understand your need to make a change. Providing them with reading material or asking them for help with research is a great way to help educate them about reactive hypoglycemia and the ramifications of not taking the steps needed to reverse it. Not only will family support help you feel better about your choices but it may initiate a chain reaction leading to a healthy family.

Loved one.
Your significant other, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend or partner is the closet person to you. This person will ultimately love you enough to help you through your moods and irritability or they will choose to walk away. That's a hard fact to consider but unfortunately in my case it wasn't the outcome expected. Like most doctors, a loved one may not believe or understand that your symptoms are real and may think your using them as an excuse. Forgetfulness, mental confusion, ringing in the ears, inability to focus, a foggy brain, and a mental distance are all real symptoms that your loved one may have to endure. Ask your loved one for their continued love, patience and support and ensure them that with the right decisions you'll be on your way to good health and feeling better soon.

Your friends may suffer the most although they may be furthest away. They don't have insight into your life like your family and loved ones do. Your friends see you when you're out enjoying food, drinks, and being social. Your eating habits must change to reverse your condition, you will have to eliminate alcohol and you may not be in the best of moods. True friends deserve an explanation of your lifestyle change and they will stick around to see you through it. You may even be able to educate them about reactive hypoglycemia and give them advice on how to make some changes themselves to prevent pending health issues. Ask friends to check on you often and be understanding of your need to improve your health so that you can be a great friend to them. One that is fun, energetic, and full of life!

Peers. Support groups.
Your peers are other persons who either currently have or have experienced reactive hypoglycemia. They truly understand what you are going through and may have great insight to reversing your condition. They can give you tips, recommendations on books to read, recipes, food ideas, and just be there when you need someone to chat with even if they live on the other side of the globe. This is a resource you'd want to start building today and you can start with me.

Health experts.
There is no doubt that you'll need the advisement of a health expert at some point along your journey. It is recommended that you rule out any serious health conditions that need immediate attention; other than this one of course. Reactive hypoglycemia is not easily recognizable by medical doctors and your condition can and may have gone undiagnosed for years. Finding a medical doctor that specializes or has experience dealing with individuals with reactive hypoglycemia is important.

Herbalism. Alternative medicine, such as herbalism, is popular for healing the body with natural remedies and herbal medicines. My experience with herbs has been positive and beneficial to my treatment. This is a personal decision that only you can make.

Iridology. Iridology is an alternative technique whose proponents claim that characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about a person's systemic health.

Who else?
Your support system can include anyone you trust and can go to for help, advice, or any other type of emotional support. As you build a support team, you'll have access to more tools, resources and love that you need to maintain mental health; how you feel, think, and act in life.

Step 5: Target the Underlying Problem

Linked recommended readings are for informational and learning purposes only. This blog post is based on the personal experiences and expressed opinions of its author. The information is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations and advice. If you experience severe low blood sugar, seek emergency help.

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