There are so many reactive hypoglycemia diets available. Why? Because there are so many different people with hypoglycemia. Unfortunately, any diet you bump into online is not a one-size-fit-all solution. With various people at various stages of this condition, its impossible to pinpoint one that will work for you without a few test runs of various foods. There are however some general guidelines that are common at the start, especially for people in a severe state. No simple sugars! Low on the carbohydrates unless they come from fresh vegetables or protein sources. No refined, processed, or packaged foods!
Here are a few steps that you can take to determine your sensitivity level to foods:
Step #1
Keep a food diary. Each time you eat, write down what you ate - each and every item down to the condiments like ketchup and salad dressing - and how much sugar and/or carbohydrates were in each. Hopefully, you've already eliminated sugar entirely from your diet. Be sure to make note of the time.
Step #2
Next write down the time you feel that first head rush and when you begin to feel symptoms of any kind. Keep a detailed log. How long did it take before you felt the crash? We're you dizzy? Did you experience fatigue after eating? How did you feel the next day? And so on.
Step #3
As you experience symptoms, eliminate certain foods or ingredients the next time around to pinpoint the culprits. After keeping this journal for several days and weeks ahead, you'll know which foods you're sensitive to.
And - don't be saddened by how many foods you can't eat. In the beginning stages of your diet changes you will be more sensitive. As you follow a strict diet, you will begin to feel better and you'll eventually be able to re-introduce some foods. For instance, my reactive hypoglycemia had become so bad that I was unable to eat sweet fruit of any kind.
This post will be updated as additional information is learned and gathered.
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